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Kick-Starting FDI in Africa

Dec 15, 2020    |    By Carl Manlan and Efosa Ojomo   |   Core Insights

Global foreign direct investment (FDI) this year is “expected to fall sharply from 2019 levels of $1.5 trillion” to below the trough it hit during the global financial crisis. This decline will have a devastating effect on emerging economies, many of which are already in crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Kick-Starting FDI in Africa

Dec 15, 2020    |    By Carl Manlan and Efosa Ojomo   |   Core Insights

Global foreign direct investment (FDI) this year is “expected to fall sharply from 2019 levels of $1.5 trillion” to below the trough it hit during the global financial crisis. This decline will have a devastating effect on emerging economies, many of which are already in crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kick-Starting FDI in Africa


Dec 15, 2020    |    By Carl Manlan and Efosa Ojomo   |   Core Insights

Global foreign direct investment (FDI) this year is “expected to fall sharply from 2019 levels of $1.5 trillion” to below the trough it hit during the global financial crisis. This decline will have a devastating effect on emerging economies, many of which are already in crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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La fondation de Temasek et sa raison d'être

Sep, 2020 | Core Advisory 

Cette note expose la raison d'être de la création de Temasek Holdings. Elle débute en 1959 au cours de la construction de la nation de Singapour.  Temasek symbolise les atouts de Singapour tels que le développement économique et une fiscalité pérenne.

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The Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses in Sierra Leone:

A Synthesis of Various Surveys

Sep, 2020  |  By Ministry of Finance Research and Delivery Division

Businesses have been harshly affected by the novel COVID-19. As a manner to respond quickly and effectively, the Government of Sierra Leone (GOSL) prepared the Quick Action Economic Response Programme (QAERP) to preserve macroeconomic and financial stability as well as to mitigate the impact of the virus on critical sectors such as tourism, transportation, essential commodities and agribusiness.


However, the interventions were implemented inadequately. In early April, only 40% of businesses were well-informed about GOSL's involvement to aid the private sector for COVID-19. Despite increased awareness in the following months, there were still more than 83% of women in Freetown who have not received any support from the government and over 90% did not receive any training on managing their business during COVID-19.


Businesses should be assured about their survival during this crisis. As such, it is critical to give relevant support to those who are affected so that long-term damage can be prevented. This can be performed through the establishment of a responsive public-private platform, supply of grants and small loans, wage and technology support schemes as well as mentorships.

Tagged: Funds

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Can technology eradicate supply chain risks?

Nov 4, 2019  |  Published in Berne Union, Written by Kelvin Tan

Growing sustainability and transparency concerns are giving us an opportunity to reeducate entire supply chains, but there is no easy way out — not even with technology.


Le modèle de Singapour pour les fonds souverains en Afrique

Jan, 2019 | Publication du 10ème anniversaire de l'OMFIF

Les fonds souverains asiatiques ont joué un rôle important en tant que moteurs du développement et de la croissance économique au cours des 50 dernières années.  En 1965, le PIB par habitant de Singapour n'était que de 500 dollars, à égalité avec celui du Mexique et de l'Afrique du Sud.  En 2017, il était plus de 100 fois supérieur, à 56 000 dollars.


Les relations économiques entre l'Afrique et l'Asie:  Faire prospérer le secteur privé

21 sept. 2018 | Le Rapporteur d'Afrique

Depuis près de deux décennies, les gouvernements asiatiques ont démontré leur profond désir de s'impliquer sur le continent africain.  Les nombreux forums, conférences, réunions et séminaires bilatéraux ont donné des résultats constructifs, allant de protocoles d'accord (MoU) à des engagements financiers portant sur plusieurs milliards.     


2015 Afrique Asie Petrole et Gaz Special

En collaboration avec Chambre de commerce Afrique – Asie du Sud Est

Malgré le ralentissement récent sur les marchés pétroliers et gaziers, l'attrait de l'Afrique pour les investisseurs étrangers dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier s'est significativement amélioré au cours de la dernière décennie. Selon les dernières perspectives concernant l’énergie dans le monde, environ 30 % des découvertes d'hydrocarbures dans le monde entre 2009 et 2014 ont été faites en Afrique Subsaharienne.

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Africa and Asia: Weaving an $18 bil. African 'Batik'

Jan 2015  |  Published in Africa Asia Business

Business synergies are emerging between Southeast Asia and Africa, a powerful economic narrative that cannot be ignored.

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